What, how and why? There are certain questions that people keep asking me. In the following I will try to answer a few, not because I do not like to repeat myself but simply to inform you straight away.
I hope I am able to do so.
Why are you going abroad?
This is a question that might occur first on one´s mind. Now I could claim that I must go abroad to save the world before it is too late but I guess that would simply be a lie. To be honest, the project has no further meaning. As for some people this might sound selfish for others it might just be a matter of fact but I am simply doing this for my own interest.
The only deeper meaning that could be found here is something like a self-finding phase that this trip might contain.
The most important part of this adventure will definitely be the experiences I will gain. I will not get a certificate on this trip about whether I passed the test or not but I will gain experiences for life. A different continent, a (mainly) different language, different people and of course the different way of living is what I want to get to know and my primary reason to go abroad.
Why are you going to Africa?
This was the first question my Granny asked me because she was concerned for my savety for what could be a dangerous country. Some people would love to go to Africa because of John Wayne who filmed many movies there. Personally I would rather say that I want to see the Lion King in real life. All in all there are not that many negative aspects about Africa at all as I do not know anybody who went to Africa and came back saying they would not go back there because it was just dreadful.
Also I am hoping that Africa can offer the adventure that I am looking for: a beautiful landscape, a completely different attitude towards life and forgoing the of luxury of western culture.
What about health care? Do you have to worry about the Ebola virus disease?
This was a topic I actually really cared about. The organisation that I am travelling with said that the health system in Tanzania is fairly good. But of course you always wonder what they compare it with. Compared to the overall situation in Africa or compared to our standards?
I wanted to get overseas travel health advice from my doctor. He told me which immunisations, prophylaxis and medicines were reasonable to take for the trip and he also explained possible risks and different eventualities.
Plenty of injections and equipment like a mosquito net are very important to get before going abroad.
Of course I also had to get an international health insurance which will cover any kind of treatment in Africa and which will pay for me to be brought back home if required.
Hopefully, Ebola should not be of any concern. At the moment the virus can be found mainly in western Africa. Of course the virus is spreading quickly in overcrowded areas like big cities and rather more slowly in rural areas. Also the distances between the parts of Africa should be considered differently. Africa is just much bigger than Great Britain. Nevertheless, my doctor assured me that the borders are very well monitored and that certain areas with Ebola are even completely closed and will stay like that for the time being.