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En route

“Follow your nose“ I was told. After month of working, a lot of equipment and huge preparations it was now the time to say goodbye. We all sat together making pizza, talking and laughing. As a farwell gift I got a fluffy elephant and a photoalbum from my friends. Although these gifts were meant to make goodbye easier they made it somehow worse.

Also, I successfully found plenty of presents to bring with me to Africa. I would like to thank the town Harsewinkel, the company Andrees, the company declaro and the company CLAAS for their support.

Because my flight was due very early on Friday morning I travelled to Düsseldorf the day before and stayed in a hotel. The airport-shuttle picked us up at 4.40 in the morning so I did not get much sleep. I got agile at the airport as I was trying to check in and my suitcases had tob e weighed, though.

Luckily, their weight was fine and I still had time to have a little breakfast. Mummy was so excited she could not eat. Even at the security gate where I had to say goodbye she was not making the happiest expression but still, I will be back soon, Mummy :)

The fisrt stopp was Zürich. Because my first flight was running late I really had to hurry to catch the transfer flight. I discovered for myself that those long distance flights are really nice actually. I had a comfortable seat, some cushions and a cuddly blanket. What else can I want apart from sitting in a chair all day, sleeping, watching movies or playing video games they have on board and sometimes you get food. The only thing you have to do by yourself is to go the the toilet. The food was surprisingly good, too. Weh ad snacks, ice cream, yoghurt and cake as well a schicken curry and later on pizza. Actually it was quite tasty… Next to me sat a couple who came from the Netherlands and we talked a little. The next stop was in Kenia/ Nairobi but we only had to get some petrol and drop off some oft he passengers.

As I arrived in Dar es Salaam I immediately felt the change of climate. It was not necessarily warmer than at home but really clammy. Thank God we have a fan in our student house.

At the airport I still had to get my visa which I will need to refresh in 3 month time. After I collected my luggage and got all the paperwork sorted I went fort he exit. Of course I wore the yellow T-shirt of my organisation or identification reasons. But as I stood there nobody came. I was already thinking of a plan of what I could do, if nobody turned up, when two guides arrived. I guess this is called African time management.

As we arrived at the Student House the guides showed everything to me. The girls who are living here left me a welcoming message saying that they will come back in a few days time. My guides collected two ladies who were staying the night with me at the house. They brought some toilet paper and food with them and welcomed me to Tanzania.

I did not sleep very wellt he first night. The noises of the traffic, loud music of an African wedding next door and of course the heat did not help. Because there are no windows but only nets in front oft openings in the wall it felt a bit like having your bed in the middle oft he street. I guess I just have to get used to it.

This morning a guide called Aidanus picked me up to do some shopping. We went by bus which was packed with people and a manwas hanging on tot he door trying to animate passing peope to go by bus. In the shopping mall which was similar to any european shopping mall I changed some money and bought a new sim card and an internet stick. In the mall there was even a cinema, an apple shop and a big supermarket. On our way back we took a tuk tuk. We went over bumpy roads, pavements and sneaked our way through the crazy traffic. While doing so, my guide was talking to the driver about their corrupt government.

I am now back at the student house and I will take a break to rest and check out the internet. :)

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